The Sunny Boys “FreebOObin”

Italian import The Sunny Boys are a punk pop band cut from the same cloth as Bowling For Soup. Playing the part of the eternal optimist on “Brian and Bubblegums” its full of quick harmonies, fast tempo and is a ready made TV show theme.

The dizzy pace and overly sweet melodies make this the ultimate musical sugar high, fans of Sexy Heroes and Ocean Grove will love “Shauni has a Boyfriend” and “Double Whammy.” The latter is like a Beach Boys tune on speed. The heavier guitar riffs come out on “Summer in Punkadise” and “Backstage Boom Boom” but the harmonies remain light. Every song here is a charmer, “Surfin'” once again is the California dream of Brian Wilson updated for todays’ modern pop audience. The lack of any ballads does tend to exhaust the listener – but the true enthusiasm and lack of cynicism make up for this. A perfect album for the beach if you are tired of listening to those old men.