Grahame Steinberg and The 1840s

Grahame Steinberg “Grahame Steinberg
Wow. Who expected that Lane Steinberg and David Grahame grew up knowing each other? Lane finished the masterful 8×8 album early this year, and now this gem. For those of you who don’t know David Grahame, he’s a bit of a legend in power pop circles and this is his first collaboration with Lane.

The album has a series of great songs, starting with the “Big Blue Ocean” and its sweet hook filled melody. Next comes a series of girl songs, Lane’s “Carmen” paints a vivid portrait of a murdering couple, but only the guy seems haunted by guilt. “Denied Tonight” is one of the best ear worms this year, both men have love of the McCartney/Emmit Rhodes style and its magic really shows up here. “Girl’s Gone Deaf” and “Aquila” are bouncy up tempo songs similar to Squeeze, and other than few slow tunes in the middle most of them are sparsely arranged melodic gold. More highlights include “Crazy Maise” and “Italian Where It Hurts.” Essential listening that also makes my top ten.

The 1840s  “Pushing Squares Down Back to Size” EP
This Israeli power pop trio has a hard rock heart and singer/songwriter Avishai Efrat gives a solid performance on his debut. “Rainbow” is part Creedence-part Strokes and “Nobody Knows Me” has a brooding attitude and nice guitar work by Efrat and bassist Eviatar Oren. You’ll hear echos of Led Zepplin on “Sirens” and nothing else here really breaks the mold, but its solid rock and roll. Best of all, you can name your own price on Bandcamp.