Stay and Dot Dash

Stay “The Fourth Dimension”
Another band from Barcelona, Stay caught my ear, a groovy retro-rock similar to Liam Gallagher’s Beady Eye (so it’s no surprise that Stay opened for them on tour). “The Change Is Coming” has those familiar rhythms and a carefree melody. Continuing with “Yellow Rainbows” it’s got harmonies similar to The Small Faces or Supergrass, depending on your reference.

The blues ballad “Everything” and sun kissed anthem of “You Got Me Going” are very clean and well performed. To get the ambiance right, the album was recorded in Liverpool by the producer Fran Ashcroft (Damon Albarn). No missteps here, but nothing distinctive steps out here to blow me away either. Fits in very neatly with all my Rainbow Quartz artists and a welcome addition to my hippy rock mixes.

Dot Dash “Winter Garden Light”
The industrious D.C. band is hard at work after their debut, Dot Dash leaves behind some of its rough edges, and packs hooks into its 2nd album. Highlighted by “Countdown” its got a little Joy Division, The Vapors and early REM in its DNA. The jangle break on “Two Octobers” is a fine new wave progressive tune, “La-La Land” continues the flowing goodness with “oooh” backing vocals to a blistering guitar solo. The tempo increases on the latter album tracks, “Shouting in The Rain” is another standout to be savored. It’s nice to hear a band find its “voice” and Dot Dash does it here.