Merry Christmas from Power Popaholic!

While not Christmas-themed, I wanted to feature this Syracuse University freshman, Callan Nagel-Dubin, who covers The Flashcubes with “It’s You Tonight” for his project in a recording class at the Newhouse School at Syracuse University. Ironically, the first time The Flashcubes ever recorded was as a student project for a musical recording class at Newhouse in the spring of 1978.

It’s easy to dismiss, but I love original Christmas music. Honestly, I’m tired of the old classics (the constant repetition is what makes some people hate Christmas songs) and would love to hear new stuff on the radio. Not only are all these great examples of new Christmas music (Joe Algeri’s JAC is more of an outlier here), but most of them are also “Name Your Price,” so this is also a bargain. I have one more week of reviews left, and then on New Year’s Eve, we let fly our top 25 albums for 2023. So enjoy the egg nog while it’s still fresh!

Summers is here: It Man, Kurt Baker, Jamie Lenman, Caleb Nichols, The Supernaturals, Sparkle*Jets U.K.

“White Heat” is the debut single from It Man, Produced and mixed by Dan Swift (Ash, Snow Patrol, Aqualung) and recorded by Gordon Raphael (The Strokes). It’s got a rhythm and verses that ooze coolness. A tidal wave of new releases is coming, but before that happens some well-deserved singles and EPs need attention. Kurt Baker continues to impress with his new “Anchors Up” and “Sweet Alice,” joined by Wyatt Funderburk, Geoff Palmer, and Kris Rodgers, it sounds like a potential top-ten LP.  Jamie Lenman has been more melodic recently, and he’s got a new EP out, and “Crazy Horse” is worth a few listens. Caleb Nichols is also back with an experimental and dream-like EP, check out “Chan Says.” The Supernaturals are from Glasgow and “Roy Wouldn’t” is a cheeky single that caught my ear. Plus a welcome return for Sparkle*Jets U.K., those Southern California guitar poppers are now signed to Big Stir Records with the first new album over 20 years, coming out at the end of June. Here is a taste of the goodies to come. It’s gonna be a hot summer!