Adam Marsland "Daylight Kissing Night"

Earlier this year Adam Marsland’s “Daylight Kissing Night” aka “Adam Marsland’s Greatest Hits” came out for mere pennies ($6), and I pre-ordered it. This review is long overdue, and for the record, you cannot call yourself a power pop fan if you don’t own this CD. Marslands songs are both smart and literate, as well as insightful and raw along the lines of Ben Folds or Joe Jackson. However, the musical influences are much more than that. Adam channels a number of diverse rock/pop elements into his songs; Brian Wilson, Elton John, Pete Townshend, Matthew Sweet and even Green Day. Most of his best work is autobiographical, and chronicles the life of a kid who wants to be a successful rock musician (“My Kickass Life”) and all the pain and pleasure along the way. A lot of his lyrics also point to being a music geek in every way, like on “Other Than Me” where he’s “glad he never dated Aimee Mann.” Much piss and vinegar goes into his experiences with this band Cockeyed Ghost and his roller coaster ride with the “music industry” that gives us great tracks like, “Big, Big Yeah,” “Burning Me Out (of the Record Store),” “I Can’t Do This Anymore” and my personal favorite “The Fates Cry Foul.” Marsland really revels in the “glorious futility of playing in a band” and the listener will too. This compilation has something for everyone and a lot of his revelations resonate with me personally. I can easily declare this the best “Greatest Hits” package of songs this year and you can get it almost anywhere.

My Space | Adam’s Site