Cush And The Intelligent Designers "Happy Accidents"

Cush is actually Jim Cushinery, originally from pop cult icons The Wigs, but he’s also been an important session man for Ringo Starr, Sarah McLachlan, Sinead O’Connor, and Bon Jovi. He is also known to kids as the composer and singer for Power Rangers TV show theme. So Cush has been around the block many years, and he hits a musical gusher on Happy Accidents. The funky “Little Black Dress” mixes a little McCartney with Stonesy overtones and a damn catchy chorus that makes for a strong single. Versatility best describes Cushinery, as each song is a finely crafted pop morsel, a good example here is “Won’t Let It Rain,” full of multi-tracked guitar riffs and Beatlesque vocal touches.  “Sweet Doomed Angel” begins in earnest, like a ballad for Robin Zander, and it ends with full epic rock harmonies and a guitar solo so good that it will peel the paint off your walls. And then Cush throws us a curve ball, like “Dreaming (Black) In White” which echos DeBussey’s “Claire De Lune” as a gothic pop ballad. This kind of contrast reminds me of what The Brigadier does musically to his classic styled Anglo-pop compositions. Back to rock with the biting break-up song “Sorry I Ruined Your Life” that goes way over the edge, and it’s f-ing brilliant. The rough edges on most of these songs keep it interesting and the production is crisp and clean. The memorable melody of “Ordinary Vices” is another confessional with a great chorus along the lines of Elton John’s “Someone Saved My Life Tonight”. You have no big missteps, although the acoustic mid-tempo ballad “All You Get” gets a bit cliche. After a few listens, I kept hitting repeat, those melodies just don’t leave your head – this is an ideal tortured pop artist album. Enjoy it!

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