Good Old War "Only Way to Be Alone"

Some bands can boast a good lead vocal that can carry even the most mundane songs into memory. And then there is Good Old War. Keith Goodwin, Tim Arnold (Days Away) and Dan Schwartz carry a three part harmony better than the Pernice Brothers ever did. The vocal harmonies here are stunning. This came out last year, but it’s one of those albums that will hook you immediately. It skirts the edges of folk-country and pop, with strong melodies and magical chord changes throughout. Starting out with the Paul Simonesque “Coney Island” all the way to the gospel-tinged “Stay By My Side” the entire album doesn’t have a wasted track. Fans of The Jayhawks and Limbeck will find plenty here to like from the driving “Looking For Shelter” and jaunty “Weak Man” to the solid guitar strum and lyric of “I’m Not For You.” Not playing it safe, the band jangles “We’ve Come A Long Way” as a carousel waltz ballad. A real treat — just listen.