Mark Cronk "Playing Katchup"

Pennsylvania native Mark Cronk is no rookie musician. He started in the late 70’s with the band Appalachia, played with Robert Palmer and the Ramones. Currently he is lead vocalist for the Beatles cover band Glass Onion. Now he has produced this sweet melodic solo album that will appeal to most fans of power pop, especially Spongtones fans, with it’s jangle and Beatlesque chord progressions. Opening with “It Can Wait” it bursts with powerful catchy guitars, and multi-tracked harmonies. The follow up “Who Are You Calling Now” is just as infectious with a steady Shoes-like rhythm throughout. What slows the momentum is the the treacle-filled ballad “Let Me In.” Thankfully it’s a minor hiccup for this wonderful album. “She’s The Girl” is a classic bit of Merseybeat goodness that is both uplifting and masterfully played. In fact, much of the following tracks are excellent, including “Rock and Roll Sunday” and “I’ve Seen Your Face Before.” He even swings a little doo-wop rockabilly on “Please Don’t Ask Me Why,” but my favorite song here is the majestic “Irene,” a mid-tempo ballad that faithfully recalls Bread or America. The song is a true gem about a woman in the later stages of life – and it will bring a tear to your eye, without a doubt. The albums second half is confident, catchy pop and the ballad “No One Home” is another effective tear-jerker and boy, I want to listen to some Dan Fogelberg now… until Cronk makes another fine pop album.

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