Ho Ho Holiday Singles!

Jana Peri “I Hate The Holidays (But I Love Spending Them With You)”
Jana came out with his catchy single last year, but it’s worth posting again. Jana also has a new song “Gallery Whore” which was inspired by her love of art galley openings around NYC, where schmoozing, free wine and cheese are part of the thrill. Fans of Blondie will really love this new single, along with the holiday one.
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The Attack “Father Christmas”
The Attack are a Florida-based group that intentionally straddles the line between classic hardcore and old school melodic street punk. You won’t get stockings hung with care or sugar plum faries, it’s more like machine guns, unemployment, and youth mobs run amuck through this dark Christmas classic by The Kinks.

Deer Tick “Holy Shit, It’s Christmas!”
It’s a Holiday surprise from Deer Tick! The indie favorites just released this holiday EP, featuring the song “Christmas All Summer Long,” sung by John McCauley and the Tony Clifton-esque “Holy Shit, It¹s Christmas!” sung by Ian O’Neil. It’s got a rough garage rock feel, not too far removed from those old Mojo Nixon chestnuts from the 90’s. 
The Brigadier “6 Christmas Tales” EP
Have a Brigadier holiday with this collection of sentimental and nostalgic pop songs about the many facets of Christmas. Perfect for those chestnut roasting nights full of jingling bells and jangling guitars. After listening to The Attack and Deer Tick, you may want to take a shower and then listen to this.

The Davenports FREE single 
“Whore for The Holidays”
This is an awesome Christmas song. Helmed by Scott Klass the band features Tommy Borscheid, Angela Webster and Karyn LeSuer. Building on the popcraft of their two previous critically acclaimed records—Speaking of The Davenports and Hi-tech Lowlife—”Whore” is a prelude to The Davenports’ new record, Why the Great Gallop coming in January. Review on that coming soon!