Wildlife Control “Wildlife Control”

Brothers Neil and Sumul Shah, who grew up making music in rural Pennsylvania are now based in Brooklyn and San Francisco promoting their debut album. A combination of dominant drum beats, guitar hooks and hummable melodies on the first few songs made me sit up and take notice. It’s an effective fusion of electronica and traditional rock –  “Brooklyn” is the complete package, with horns and echoing piano making it an effective theme as the chorus chimes “Everybody’s moving to Brooklyn”. “Darkness” is a bit more subdued, even slightly pretentious with a classic piano ending, but the single “Analog or Digital” is the bouncy showpiece that defines modern power pop at its hippest.

“Disguise” infuses a jazz rhythm with its night club piano riff and heavy beat. The albums second half is more experimental, with droning synths on “Oakland” and slow jam rhythms on “Lose.” These guys aren’t quite at the level of Fun, but they have enormous potential and talent. A band to watch for sure.

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